View Full Version : Wot....no poets?

29-11-2006, 09:58 PM
Haven't seen you guys write any poems for a while, I miss reading them. Here's hoping we'll see some more soon.

29-11-2006, 11:22 PM
the miseries of november, robbed me of my muse
but now its nearly over, and all i need is booze
with advents doors flying open, its nearly christmas time
i'm sure we all can celebrate, with wit and verse and rhyme:rolleyes:

30-11-2006, 01:59 AM
Lo and yet behold; he riseth from the gloom
Our friend and fellow wit; Chillitt I presume!
He trumpets out the message that Christmas time is nigh
And wonders if the reindeer, really know how to fly.

Stoking up the fire, he settles down with a brew
Dreams about the Ampersand and a motley pirate crew.
He leans back in his easy chair; a chuckle can now be heard
His mind is ticking over; Should I give old Santa the word?

30-11-2006, 10:25 AM
I must get down the Christmas decs stored up in the loft,
But "ohhhh me achin' back"; I swear I'm getting soft.
The cards need some attention; I'd rather drink me Christmas cheer
Am starting rather early; need to be ready for this New Year.

Get in the stocks of Aspirin; hangovers will abound;
I could ask that bloke called Santa; when he calls on his Christmas round.
I'll try to stay awake until the reindeer land on the hoof;
Would the Council charge our Santa when the reindeer park on the roof?

When I was a little nipper they sent me off to bed
But all I wanted to do was watch out for the man in red.
They said he wouldn't come; unless being good I was really fond
Though somewhere I think, along the line, I suspect I was really conned.

30-11-2006, 11:56 PM
i'm never quite that gloomy, that i cannot raise a smile
but christmas can be a chore - it has been for a while
'ah, but its really for the kiddies', thats right, but i havent any,
its hard buying pressies, i am skint! why so many?

so todays christmas fair, in the style of good queen vicky
could have been a day of hassle and i nearly threw a sicky
this morning filling windows with evergreens and ribbon by the mile
a wonderous thing happened - i broke out in a smile!

the town seems such a happy place, all waving and hat doffing
not the usual grimy greyness, grumbling and coughing
the fairground rides all steam powered, no diesel fumes for us!
not even the local traffic warden could find the cause to cuss!

and as the windows finished, i went out to have a look,
where a different type of carny works, a nice man, not a crook!
then music filled the market place,a sound that really fits
not kylie or carol singers but tony christies christmas hits!

and everyone was whistling (quite hard to do when grinning)
we all kept on working and tony kept on singing
and for one day it was how it should be, without hassle without frowns
and warwick showed its visitors why its better than other towns

so this little christmas miracle, this damascene delight
gives me hope that not just children can hope on christmas night
we may not have a foot of snow to paint the world quite new
but if i get the the christmas spirit, then you might get it too.

(this post is sponsored by gordons gin and sloes of warwickshire)

01-12-2006, 01:05 AM
To give your time to another, is the greatest gift of all
Sit down and reminisce; past Christmas days recall.
Dress the house with tinsel and mistletoe no less
But oh the dreaded needles; of the tree; do make a mess.

Order snow for Christmas day, from the snowman down the road
Be sure he plans to turn up, with a huge, ginormous load.
Go out and make your snowman, dress him up with a scarf and hat
Then roll some snow into decent balls; don't hit your Great-Uncle Pat!

There's a dusty box up high in the loft with cards from days gone by
You sit down in a discarded old chair, read the words and wonder why
How Christmas brings out the best; and the worst in families; we know
But to see the smiles on a kiddie's face; it makes your own smile start to grow.

Remember the day that Grand-Dad got so drunk he fell out of bed?
Christmas day at the table; Nan told us; his face turned the brightest red.
Grand-Dad, he was special; he had a chuckle you never forgot
But I swear the eyes that twinkled; behind the beard; they knew a lot.