View Full Version : Banks closing down branches.

28-12-2022, 10:08 AM
What's with all the banks closing down, are they forcing us to have internet banking?

28-12-2022, 12:24 PM
Market forces, Margaret. Fewer people are using branches, they're expensive to run, so they get closed. - I'm a shareholder at one of the worst for closing branches, and I've made my voice heard! They heard me, but they didn't listen!

You can often use the Post Office for free, but be careful with cash machines as some of them are quite pricey.

28-12-2022, 12:31 PM
Do you think that the push to get more or less everyone to do online banking, will be successful?

29-12-2022, 11:38 AM
Not in my lifetime, Margaret. But the younger generation are definitely cashless advocates. It's very noticeable in shops, pubs, restaurants, etc., that the younger generation pay via card or phone whilst the older ones are mainly cash users.

Going cashless worries me because if people don't toe the 'right' line they can easily be punished with their spending being cut off, or restricted, as we see happening in China. Of course, those in power love the idea as it gives them total control.