View Full Version : Computer & Tech Chat

  1. CD drive slows my computer down
  2. Which printer to buy for photos?
  3. Mousie trouble
  4. Wireless Network Help Needed
  5. Dodgy monitor cable...
  6. Help - connecting mobile 'phone to PC
  7. Risc Os?
  8. RISC OS lives!
  9. Windows XP Media Centre
  10. New Toy
  11. url's
  12. As the clock strikes midnight...
  13. Internet Search Engines
  14. mysql
  15. Skype
  16. new copy of xp
  17. Css
  18. Supreme Commander
  19. Page two on Google!
  20. Don't ever buy a Toshiba Laptop
  21. FireFox 3.0.1
  22. Help needed with linking
  23. Tech-savvy employers are catching more people out
  24. any techeis there
  25. Very pale computer screen. Help
  26. How to clear computer cache and cookies?
  27. Windows 8 - Metro - Boxy Windows
  28. Broadband Woes
  29. Green Screen
  30. Printers
  31. Average Speed Cameras
  32. Information Stored on an Atomic Level
  33. Win 10 turning internet access off
  34. UK Space Programme
  35. Thieves Can Steal Your Smartphone PIN
  36. Another Reason Not to Click on Internet Ads
  37. The Quantum Internet
  38. New Supersonic Passenger Aircraft?
  39. Facebook Bans Date Harvesting Website
  40. Screen damage
  41. Games Festival
  42. What is a Byte
  43. Bytes per second?
  44. Logging on to WOL
  45. Logging in I get .................................
  46. Logging in problems
  47. Mobile phone tech chat.
  48. WiFi connection.
  49. Which Fuses
  50. Computer repair
  51. Smartwatch, pedometers, fitness bands.
  52. Fascinating Video
  53. Social Rating
  54. Getting rid of AVG
  55. CO2 Capture Technology
  56. Wow! Signal
  57. Heat Pumps
  58. James Webb Telescope
  59. Electric Car Charging Points
  60. Digital Voice and landline phone switch
  61. Routers
  62. Massive Cosmic Explosion Detected
  63. New 'Blended Wing' Aircraft Design
  64. Mystery of Largest Cosmic Explosion Solved....
  65. Gaming Conference in Leamington
  66. Global IT Issues